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SOLIS Electric Aircraft of the Future

Passenger Transport – Taxis – Security and Protection – Medical and Rescue – Cargo/Freight

Join the Colibri Aviation team

Together we can change the world

As part of our development we will be looking for motivated and talented candidates to help us bring our SOLIS series electric aircraft to life.

Want to join us on this exciting and remarkable journey? Then fasten your seatbelt, you are about to take off with us!

Colibri Aviation - city
Colibri Aviation - New York

Your specific professional interests may include the following (m/f):

For more information and if you are interested, please contact us using the form on the right.

Thank you for flying with us.


Development and testing centre

drone - Colibri Aviation

Perfect location

Fly further. Save money. Save time.

Thank you for sharing

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Nous Sommes Ravis De Vous Revoir

Cockpit pilote atterrissage

Et savoir que vous appréciez

Colibri Aviation - avion électrique evtol

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Colibri Aviation

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